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I think you are overqualified.

If you hear this they are telling you they are concerned about bringing you on board.

They are probably thinking one of the following:

· Will you stay or will you keep looking until you find something that pays more?

· Can they train you their way or are you going to “know everything”?

· How long will you stay?

Here are a couple of answers you can give them that will reduce their concerns


“I know you are thinking that this position may not be enough for me, but I can assure you it is. I’ve done my homework and I know what I need to earn, I understand the responsibilities required and I plan to continue to work for xx number of years.”


“Been there done that. I know what I need in my life and this is exactly what I am looking for. I’m looking for stability, benefits, and a place to land.” When I heard this, I was over the “overqualified” concern.

No one wants to repeat the hiring process repeatedly, it is time consuming and expensive.

Honesty is the best policy; you may need the job but the more honest you are the more likely you will land the right job for you.

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